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General Practitioner (GP) Skin Consultation

A GP skin consultation for any particular skin concern involves a thorough assessment of your skin. Our doctors can recommend treatments such as laser therapy, chemical peels, prescribe medications as well as a series of at-home skincare. They may also provide referrals to a Dermatologist or surgeon if further medical intervention is required. This service is suitable for all ages and skin types, we also have both female and male practitioners to ensure your ultimate comfort.

What you need to know:

  • The GP will discuss your medical history, skin concerns, and any changes to your lifestyle that may be related to your skin health concerns.
  • The GP may examine your skin with different devices.
  • Recommendations for skin care and sun protection may be provided.
  • Discussion of any necessary follow-up appointments or treatments based on findings will also be discussed.
  • You may be directed to our team of Dermal Clinicians for any treatment prescribed by our team of doctors.
  • If necessary, a referral may be recommended for further analysis. 

Cost: Fees vary depending on the nature of the appointment and if intervention is required. However, fees start at $185 with a portion of the fee claimable through Medicare.