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Lumi Light x The Morph Clinic

Lumi Light Edition 3: Tash Rae of The Morph Clinic.

Tash Rae morph clinic child psychology


Our third feature for Lumi Light is a business and business owner very close to our heart.⁠
Tash Rae of the Morph Clinic is not only a fabulous child and teenage Psychologist, but also Karen's sister.⁠

Read more on Tash's philosophies when counselling the tweens and teens of Geelong, and how The Morph Clinic has had to adapt in the time of COVID-19.⁠

What inspired you to create The Morph Clinic? 

I have been working with youth and adults for over 30 years. Something is that is so fantastic is to see the progression of people’s lives and if we intervene early with kids we can see that we can promote health later in life. I always say to parents when their kids come in is that we’re not just raising healthy kids, we’re raising healthy future adults.
Any which way that we can help facilitate health within that child’s life early on, we want to explore.

What’s the best part about being a business owner? 

I get to create what I feel is an imperative environment for people to heal. To actually work out life and what they want to do. I get to be part of a journey. I love it. I love sitting down and having a conversation to help someone move forward.

How much impact has the restrictions in trade caused by COVID-19 had on you and your business?  How have you had to adapt?

COVID-19 hasn’t really impacted business so much, its just impacted the way we have had to do business. Of course a lot of our clients are online at the moment, although with these current lifting of restrictions we can get back to one on one.

One on one is far more beneficial than sometimes being on screen.
I really feel that on a mental health level, and dealing with mental health issues, it is best to practice on a face-to-face format. While the face-to-face has definitely slowed down a little bit, our way of creating a new platform to see clients has been fantastic.

If you could give one piece of advice to yourself at the start of 2020, what would it be?

If I had to speak to myself at the start of 2020, I would have to give the advice of hold things lightly. Sometimes we tend to hold onto things that don’t have much meaning but we think they do. When crisis hits, you have to let go of.

 Hold things very very lightly. Things can change in a blink of an eye and sometimes the things that we lose aren’t a huge thing. But they can be. I think we learn the meaning of relativity in this space. 

Lastly, what are a couple of your favourite local Geelong small businesses and why?

A couple of businesses that I’m an avid fan of are;

First of all Goose Geelong, I just love their stuff. In fact if I have a day off I go there and just smell the goodness in that store.

That place. If you haven’t been to That Place in Highton, It is a patisserie that has the most amazing French pastries. You’ve got to get there. If you haven’t been there, you’re missing out.